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How do I integrate Justuno with Benchmark?
How do I integrate Justuno with Benchmark?
Updated on October 23, 2020
Integrate Justuno with Benchmark and automatically add your Justuno leads to a Benchmark Email list. Send automated follow-ups from the moment they submit their information. Available free with every Benchmark account.
Please note: This is an integration built by Justuno, the process to integrate will begin within their tool.
When logged into your Justuno account:
- Click Promotions from the tabs located at the top of the page.
- Click Edit next to the Promotion of your choice.
- Scroll down and select Edit Integrations.

- Locate and click on the Benchmark Connect button to launch the configuration options.
- On the pop-up provided, enter your Benchmark API key and click Select Benchmark List.
- Now select a list to which you’d like to import your Justuno leads to.
- Then click Save.
The integration is now complete, and contacts will be added to your Benchmark List anytime a new contact is added to JustUno.

If you have any questions on integrating with Justuno, please feel free to contact us via Email, LiveChat or by phone.
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