Comment créer un Test A/B
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To create an AB Test, you must start by creating an email and saving it as a draft. If the email is not saved as a Draft, it will not show up as an available option.
Follow the instructions below, to create an AB Test:
- Log in to your Benchmark account.
- Create an email (click here to find out how)
- In Step 4 (Schedule Delivery, select Save as Draft, I’ll send this later)
- Click on the Back to Emails button.

- On the Dashboard, select AB Testing.
- Click on the Create AB Test button on the top-right of the page.

- Complete Step 1 Details.
a) Enter in the Test Name
b) Choose your Test Type
c) Choose the number of Variants
d) Revise the percentage of contacts you’re going to send your test to (optional)
- Click Save & Next.
- Complete Step 2 Variables (the options/fields on this page will vary depending on the test type you chose)
- Click Save & Next.
- Complete Step 3 List.
a) Select the contact list you want to send your AB Test to.
b) Confirm the percentage of the list you want to send your AB Test to by clicking and dragging the slider (the number of contacts next to the Test Group will automatically adjust to your selection)
- Click Save & Next

- Complete Step 4 Rules.
a) Choose whether you want your Winning Variant to be Opens, Clicks, or Opens & Clicks.
b) Assign them a score.
c) Select the method in which you want to send the Winning Variant to the remainder of the contact list.
d) Schedule the send – Send Immediately, Schedule delivery or Save as Draft. I’ll send this later.

Important note: There is a delay between the sending of the test variants and the sending of the winner to the rest of your contacts. This delay is unavoidable (it’s what allows us to measure the response to the variants), but is selectable between 6, 12 and 24 hours – longer delays generally provide more reliable results.
If you are not already using AB Testing, you can start today by upgrading to a paid plan.
Note: AB Testing is not included our free plan.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our support team via Email, LiveChat or Phone.
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