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How To Change Your Account’s Email Address or Login
How To Change Your Account’s Email Address or Login
If you need to change your login information, you may do so by accessing your account settings and then your profile page. While you can manually change your account’s email address, you can not change your account’s login. The account’s email address and login are separate.
To learn how to change your account’s email address or login, follow the steps below.
Account Email Address
- Log into your Benchmark account.
- Click on your account name and select Account Settings.

- Now click on Profile.

- Locate your Email Address and click on the Change option.

- On the popup provided, click the Send Email option.

- When done, you may close the popup window.
- Check your inbox and open our email with the subject line: Request to Change Email Address.
- Click on the link provided in the email.
- A new page will open, then enter your new email, confirm, and last click on Save Changes.
- The page will refresh, and you’ll see your profile information.
Changing your login is a bit trickier, but, our support team has you covered. To change your login, send us an email to from your account’s email address. In the body of the email, make sure to include your current login and also the new login you’d like to use.
- If you no longer have access to your account’s email address and need to change the login or email address. Please email us a picture of the credit card used to pay your account. Make sure the picture has the following details: First and last name, last 4 credit card numbers, and expiration date. Here is an example.
- Once our support team receives the email, they will get in contact with you on any additional steps needed.
- If you no longer have the credit card available, please contact our support team to find out additional options.
- To learn how to change your account password, click here.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our support team via Email, LiveChat, or Phone.
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