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How to Integrate MyThemeShop with Benchmark
With our MyThemeShop integration, you can automatically add your MyThemeShop leads from your existing popups and opt-in forms to a Benchmark list. Send automated follow-ups from the moment they submit their information.
Please note: As this is an integration built by MyThemeShop, the process to integrate will begin within your WordPress account.
To save your emails, enable the Save Email option for each of the required services. You can make the changes by going to the All Lockers section and then enabling the Save Email option for each of the social accounts and email. This would save the email address which the user will use to sign in to their social account to unlock the locked content on your website.
To check the integration, create a test Sign-In Locker to lock the content.
Preview the post. Add a test email to sign in via Email and unlock the content.
Once you have unlocked the content, go to Leads and check whether the test email that you had entered is recorded or not. If the lead is recorded, congratulations; the Benchmark integration worked with the Content Locker Pro.
If trouble may arise during the process, Here is a list of video tutorials that may help.
If you have questions regarding your MyThemeShop account, please consult their support. However, if you have any questions regarding your Benchmark Email account, please feel free to contact our support team via Email, LiveChat, or Phone.