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Knowledge Base Home aero-right aero-right If I have business cards that I have collected from shows or events, can I email those individuals?

If I have business cards that I have collected from shows or events, can I email those individuals?

Updated on August 6, 2018
It would depend on what was said during the exchange of information between you and the owner of the business card. If it was understood from the outset that by providing you their business card they are seeking correspondence from you, then you can use those addresses as part of your contact list(s). However, if you have not received their permission then you may not email them.

Even if permission was not given at the time the business card was given, you still have options available to you. Here at Benchmark Email we offer a service called "Permission Pass" email lists. For more information on this, please contact us at and our Support team will be happy to assist you in getting your lists ready for use.

By making sure each and every customer follows our permission rules, we are able to keep our delivery rates high – a necessity for any successful email campaign.