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Is the Website Tracking in Automations GDPR Compliant?
Disclaimer: The information in this FAQ are solely based on our knowledge of GDPR. Benchmark cannot and will not give legal advice on GDPR. We suggest you contact your legal team for a better understanding of how your organization will need to comply.
Yes, our website tracking feature is GDPR compliant. To track any visitors on your site, you must have first added the javascript given in your Benchmark account to your website. Once added you would be able to trigger different actions such as Send Email, Add to List or Segment Based on your site visitors behavior. Now, since this all means you will be collecting your visitor’s personal data such as Email address, name and so on, you will also need to let them know you are tracking them.
GDPR requires you to get consent from your site visitors before storing their personal data. We have made it easy for you to get your visitors consent, by giving you the needed script to enable or disable tracking. You must explain to your visitors the information that is being retained and the purpose of maintaining. The statement must be easy to understand, it can not deceive your visitors, and it must also have a consent button for the visitor to agree.
Yes, since you can not control who visits your site this too applies to you. If your business is in the US, visitors from EU could still land on your site. To stay compliant with GDPR you can not process their data without their consent.
We suggest you disable your Automation tracking on page load by default, by doing this you can add a manual form where visitors can either agree or disagree to give you consent to track their cookies manually.
You can disable the tracking code on page load, add the following code to your site AFTER your Automation tracking script.
window.onload = function() {
if(window.JB_TRACKER) window.JB_TRACKER.disableTracking();
Tracking Consent-Also known as Profiling
See the Benchmark’s Consent form as an example.
The tracking consent is to openly ask for permission to track your visitor’s data. If you chose to use a consent form, it must state what data you are collecting and the purpose of it. The consent form is not provided by Benchmark Email. You may reach out to your web developer regarding different plugins they may offer.
Once your form has been added, you may add a small piece of code to the Agree/Disagree consent notice. When a visitor allows you to track them, you must call the Javascript function window JB_TRACKER
You may use the following example:
<script> <button onClick=“window.JB_TRACKER.disableTracking()” >Disable</button> </script>
<button onClick=“window.JB_TRACKER.enableTracking()”
To be compliant with the GDPR, make sure to have followed all guidelines and or rules by May 25, 2018. If you fail to comply with GDPR you may be subject to a large penalty. Please read Article 83: General conditions for imposing administrative fines.
If you have any questions regarding your Automation, please feel free to contact our support team via Email, LiveChat or Phone.