Contact Rating
Based on how your recipients engage with your emails their rating can range from 0 to 5 Stars. Use the contact rating feature within your Benchmark account.
Contacts September 19, 2024
What is the Subject Line Suggestion feature?
Benchmark provides the Subject Line Suggestion feature, which gives you your top performed subject lines based on previously sent emails campaigns.
Drag & Drop Editor August 20, 2019
Compare Email Reports
Benchmark provides a detailed reporting system to better monitor the engagement trends on your campaigns. Discover how to compare email reports.
Reports June 29, 2022
Security PIN for Benchmark
Security pin is a feature provided to secure the downloading of all the lists. This is an excellent solution for businesses with multiple individuals accessing an account.
Contacts May 10, 2023
Can a Deactivated Automation Be Used Again?
Will I be able to reactivate my automation?
Automation Pro July 1, 2021
How Does Benchmark Email Track Website Activity?
Benchmark Email tracks website activity with a piece of javascript code on your pages.
Automation Pro July 1, 2021