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Zap Contacts from Other Services into Benchmark Email
If you are switching your email marketing service provider and don’t want to go through the tedious process of exporting your contacts manually and then uploading them to Benchmark, Zapier can help. Zapier allows you to export your contacts from different services, including some of our competitors, to your Benchmark account. Check out the list of Zaps below. Stay engaged with your customers, and leave the heavy lifting to the Zaps!
You can also find pre-built Zaps directly in your Benchmark account. To see the complete list of the pre-built Zaps, click here.
For a complete list of all of the Zaps that can help you bring over your contacts, subscribers, or leads to Benchmark Email using Zapier, click here.
To see some of the Zaps available that help you bring in your contacts from other services, check out the Zaps below.
Please keep in mind that each Zap will have different trigger options.
Mailigen to Benchmark
SendLoop to Benchmark
Aweber to Benchmark
GetResponse to Benchmark
Mad Mimi to Benchmark
Campaign Monitor to Benchmark
SendGrid Monitor to Benchmark
MailChimp to Benchmark
Constant Contact to Benchmark
If you have any questions regarding bringing in your contacts from any of the services mentioned above or other ones, please contact our support or sales team.