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Come abilitare JavaScript nel mio browser su Mac?
Come abilitare JavaScript nel mio browser su Mac?
JavaScript è quello che permette a Benchmark Email di funzionare correttamente. Assicurati di abilitare javascript sul tuo browser su Mac:
Clicca qui per le istruzioni per PC
Safari 4 & 5
- Open the Safari application by clicking on the icon in the Dock.
- Go to the Safari menu at the top and select Preferences.
- Click on the Security tab at the top of the Preferences window.
- Check the box next to Enable JavaScript.
- Close the Preferences window to save the settings.
Firefox 3.6+
- Open the Firefox application by clicking on the icon in the Dock.
- Go to the Firefox menu at the top and select Preferences.
- Go to the Content tab at the top of the Preferences window.
- Check the box next to Enable JavaScript.
- Close the Preferences window to save the settings.
Chrome 7
- Click the wrench icon on the browser toolbar.
- Select Preferences.
- Click the Under the Hood tab.
- Click Content settings in the Privacy section.
- Click JavaScript.
- Check Allow all sites to run JavaScript (recommended"
- Click Close and then click Close again.