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Adding Animated GIFs to Your Email
Enhance your emails by adding animated GIFs and engage with subscribers by sharing more entertaining visual content. Begin creating amazing email campaigns!
Additionally, Benchmark now offers a GIPHY integration! With our GIPHY integration, you can search for GIFs directly within your account without leaving the platform. This makes finding the perfect GIF for your emails easier and faster.
Benchmark’s GIPHY Integration is a user-friendly feature that enables you to search and access hundreds of GIFs directly from your account. Available to both free and premium users, this feature does not require a separate GIPHY account, ensuring a comfortable and easy-to-use experience.
To learn how to use the GIPHY Integration, follow these steps.
Did you know you can use a third party like for animated GIF files? Since Benchmark allows you to import the image files using URL, your animated GIF files can be imported from platforms like GIPHY.
The following are the steps to upload your animated GIFs to GIPHY.
See the steps below to learn how to get a URL from a GIF in your GIPHY account.
You can also change your GIFs from Public to Private. Private GIFs cannot be seen by anyone but you when you are logged in and can’t be shared. Settings will be applied to all the GIFs in your upload. (source:
If you have any questions, please contact our support team.