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Does Benchmark Email Offer Templates for Holidays?
Does Benchmark Email Offer Templates for Holidays?
Benchmark Email offers templates for many different needs, including holidays. Utilizing templates for upcoming holidays like Independence Day and Halloween can help make your campaigns feel more festive and grab the attention of your subscribers during a time when they are feeling like celebrating special moments in life.
To view our complete selection of holiday templates and choose the one that best fits your need(s), log into your Benchmark Email account and follow these steps:
- From the My Home page, click Create New Email from the right-hand side of your screen.
- Fill out all required information in Step 1 (Describe Email) and Step 2 (Select Contact List), clicking Save & Next at the end of each step.
- Step 3 will allow you to choose a template. On the left-hand side you will see a list of categories. Click Holiday to bring up the available templates for various holidays. Find the one you like best, select it, and click Save & Next.
- Follow the remaining prompts to complete and send out your campaign.
Taking the time to acknowledge the various holidays celebrated by your subscribers can pay off in the long run. It will help to develop and maintain the bond of familiarity and trust, which in turn will help improve your business and organization. Customize your selected template by adding your own
photos and
colors, which tie into the holiday of the moment.
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