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Does Benchmark Email offer templates for my social media needs?
Benchmark Email offers templates for many different needs, including social media. Utilizing templates for social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter can help promote your business and grow your subscriber list.
To view our complete selection of social media templates and choose the one that best fits your need(s), log into your Benchmark Email account and follow these steps:
In addition to our social media templates, you may also want to take advantage of social media icons in your campaigns. Encouraging subscribers to become fans or followers on your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter pages will help to create a greater awareness for your business and/or organization.
Benchmark Now offers Template integrations with many social platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn! Simply create an email in the Drag & Drop and select the template for the platform you want to use. Depending on the platform, we’ll automatically plug in information into a template. This is a great way to expand and widen your audience base!
To consider:
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our support team via Email, LiveChat or Phone.