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Features Impacted by Downgrading

Billing Updated on May 17, 2023

Downgrading your Benchmark Email subscription may impact the features you currently use or have access to. We encourage you to review the features that a subscription downgrade could impact to avoid confusion or account delays. This article will outline which features are affected when you downgrade.


  • Accounts actively using Pro or Enterprise features will be prevented from downgrading until the following features are disabled or deactivated.
    • Security Pin
    • Signup Forms: Limit based on plan subscription
    • Automation Pro journeys
  • Accounts that downgrade will lose access to the features listed on this page. The account must upgrade to a Pro or Enterprise plan to regain access to these features.

To see a full list of our features provided in each plan subscription, click here

A/B Testing
Automation Pro
Automation Pro (Website Tracking Script):
Code Editor
Security PIN
Signup Forms


Downgrading your subscription plan can help you reduce costs, but it can also affect the features you use and have access to. Therefore, it is important to review the feature changes before downgrading to ensure that it will not negatively impact your business.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team.