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How to Sort Email Addresses by Domain in an Excel File?
How to Sort Email Addresses by Domain in an Excel File?
To sort email addresses by domain, follow these steps:
- Create a copy of the Excel file.
- Open the copy of the file and click on the column to the right of the column containing the email addresses.
- Right click the column you just highlighted and select Insert. This creates a blank column that you will need later. Repeat this step so that there are two blank columns when you are finished.
- Copy the email ID column and paste it into the first blank column you just created. (This will give you a column to sort while still preserving the original column of addresses.)
- Now click on the column containing the copied email addresses.
- Click Data > Text to Columns.
- Select Delimited and click Next.
- Make sure the only box checked is Other and enter the @ symbol in the box.
- Click Finish.
- A window will pop up asking if you want to replace the contents of the selected cells. Select OK.Note: The email addresses are now separated into two columns. The first one contains the information before the @ symbol. The second one contains the information after the @ symbol, which is the domain.
- Save the file.
- Click Data > Sort.
- Select the column title you want to sort (the one containing the domains) and select how you want it sorted (for example A – Z).
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