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Knowledge Base Home aero-right Automations General Questions aero-right Is it possible to manually create anchor tags in my email?

Is it possible to manually create anchor tags in my email?

Automations General Questions Updated on September 6, 2019
Benchmark Email provides the anchor tag feature to make navigating your campaigns quick and easy. It is possible to create them manually using HTML, but this will require previous HTML knowledge on your part.

You will need to assign names to sections of your email before creating the links to refer to each of those sections.

To manually create anchor tags, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the block you want the anchor to jump to and click the Edit icon .
  2. Click the Code View button on the left side of your screen.
  3. Add an anchor tag with a name attribute. In the example below we’ll use the word "disc":
    <a name="disc">This Week's Discounts</a>
  4. Click Save & Close.
  5. Click the Save button for the block you just finished editing.
  6. Next, locate the block you want the anchor tag from step 3 to be in. Click on the Edit icon .
  7. Click Code View from the left side of your screen.
  8. Create an anchor link to the section from step 3 by adding an anchor tag with a # in front of the name you gave the anchor link. For example:
    <a href="#disc">discounts</a>
  9. Click Save & Close.
  10. Click the Save button for the block you just edited.
  11. Make sure to save the email as a whole (located on the top of your screen) and then preview it to ensure it appears the way you want.