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What can I do with my From Name to improve my open rate?
What can I do with my From Name to improve my open rate?
Your From Name is just as important as your Subject Line when it comes to whether recepients will open your email or not. There are a few things you can do with your From Name to help improve your open rate.
Get Recognized
Your subscriber should be able to identify you as the sender of the email. Therefore, your From Name needs to contain information that connects with your company or business. For example, if you were to receive an email from Benchmark Email, it would appear this way: “From: Benchmark Email“
It’s Not Personal, It’s Business
Try to refrain from using your personal name or the name of anyone in your company, such as the CEO, in the From section unless you are sure your subscribers will recognize the name.
- Spammers are always trying to find ways to trick people into opening emails that are unsolicited and potentially harmful. They have begun using personal names in the From Name section to create a feeling of familiarity among contacts.
If you must use a personal name, try to use your Subject Line in connection with the name in the From section to ensure that recipients know it is a legitimate email. For example:
- From: John Smith
- Subject: Smith’s Travel Ideas for Summer
Always run the Spam Check before sending out emails to ensure it does not end up in the recipient’s junk folder.
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