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Benchmark’s Refund Policy
As a top-notch service provider that takes our delivery rates very seriously, we also have the right to shut down campaigns at any time. A few reasons why we might do this include sending spam, adult material, material featuring drugs, or other items that violate our policy. If you abuse our system in any way, we will shut down your account and you will not receive a refund. We recommend that you read our terms of use before you start using Benchmark Email, just to make certain what you have planned is in-line with our company policies.
Benchmark Email does not give refunds for unused services during the month. For instance, if you pay for our service for one month and fail to use it, we cannot give you a refund.
For your convenience, below is an abridged version of the Cancellation Policy article of Benchmark Email’s Terms of Service:
Benchmark Email is a month-to-month service, and you may cancel your account at any time. Your subscription fee is prepaid, so we simply require that you cancel prior to your monthly renewal date or you will be charged your next month’s subscription fee. We do not prorate or refund our service.
Please note that until you provide us with a completed cancellation request, your account will be charged monthly for your subscription fee. Inactivity in your account will not constitute a cancellation. You will be responsible for any outstanding balances as well as related collection costs. The termination of an account, final payments rendered for the account, and any credit card charges and fees incurred as a result of negligence regarding your Benchmark Email account, are the sole responsibility of you, the client. Benchmark Email is not responsible for your failure to properly terminate your account.