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Single Opt-In Signup Forms

Signup Forms Updated on July 28, 2022

While Benchmark encourages its users to use the Double opt-in process, we also provide a Single Opt-in option. The difference between the two is simple. The Double Opt-In process requires the subscriber to confirm their subscription by opening an email and clicking on the confirmation link provided. With Single Opt-In a subscriber can sign up to your mailing list by simply adding their email address to the signup form, and they do not have to reconfirm.

One advantage of using single opt-in is it streamlines the signup process, and it’s particularly useful for potential subscribers using a mobile device. If you are planning on using the Single Opt-In option, please consider some pros and cons.


Grow Your List Faster with no wait time, users who subscribe are immediately added to your email list. Which means you can send marketing emails to them right away.


High Invalid Emails By removing the Double Opt-in you allow all email addresses to be added to your email list. One example is a misspelled email address, face it this happens. Another example is robot signups, and yes, they exist!

Which brings us to our next point…
Low Sending Reputation.

Using the Single Opt-in option does not prevent you from sending to invalid emails, which can damage your sending reputation.

You’ll end up paying more for in the long run.

The whole point of the Single Opt-in is to push contacts to your list without having to verify their email, how will you know if they are valid or not? In the long run, this could mean a few dollars if not hundreds.

There is no rule that states you CAN’T use Single Opt-In. However, it isn’t a good sending practice. If you are going to use Single Opt-In make sure you also use our reCAPTCHA feature too, it can help you with stopping robot signups! 


Before switching to the single opt-in option, please check your local legislation. Some countries legally require a double opt-in process for collecting personal data such as an Email Address.

To learn how to enable the Single Opt-In option in your signup form, see steps below.

  1. Create or go to an existing signup form.
  2. In Step 2 Design, click on Opt-In Settings.

Confirmation Settings

  1. Click on the first dropdown and select Single Opt-In.
  1. Next, decide whether to send a Welcome Email or Not.
Welcome Email
Welcome Page Settings
Alert Notifications


Each signup form is unique; therefore, if you change one signup form to single or double opt-in, your other forms will remain the same.

Double Opt-In Popup Forms

If reCaptcha is enabled, the subscriber will see the Thank You Page and not the Success Message.

Single Opt-in Popup Forms

If reCAPTCHA is enabled, the subscriber will see the Welcome Page and not the Success Message.

f you have any questions regarding our Single Opt-In option, please feel free to contact our support team.