How Do I Import My List from Highrise CRM?
How Do I Import My List from Highrise CRM?
更新日 11月 26, 2019
Highrise is a customer management online service for business of all types. Highrise helps you connect with your customers and build better engagement. With this integration, you can add contacts from your Highrise CRM account into a new or existing Benchmark list.
To integrate, follow these steps:
- Log in to your Benchmark account.
- Click on Contacts, from the Dashboard menu.
- Select Create New List.
- Choose the Regular List option and click Next.
- Select Import From A Service option, then click Next.
- On the Third-Party Integration page, scroll to the bottom and select the Highrise integration option.
- You will access the Connect to Highrise page. Leave this page open, you will need it to input your Subdomain and Highrise Api Key.
- Log in to your Highrise account.
- Let’s locate your Subdomain. Your Subdomain is what shows before the “.highrisehq.com” when accessing your account from the web.
For example, this account: https://demo.highrisehq.com The Subdomain is demo.
- Copy your Subdomain and paste it on your Benchmark account on the Connect to Highrise page.
- On your Highrise account, click on Account and Settings from the bar menu at the top-right of the Home page.
- Select My Info.
- On the menu bar, select the Integrations tab.
- Below Authentication token, you will find your Highrise API Key. Copy the API Key.
- Copy your Highrise API Key and paste it on your Benchmark account on the Connect to Highrise page.

- Click Save & Next.
- Select the list (or create a new one) to which you would like to add contacts and click Save & Next.
- Map Highrise fields according to the data fields in your Benchmark list.
- Click on Go to My Lists to view your list or Import Another to import another list.
You’ve successfully integrated Benchmark with Highrise!
The final number of imported contacts may be less than the projected number due to the filtering of certain emails. Benchmark Email removes role-based emails, duplicates, unsubscribes and blocked domains. Click Here to learn more.
Note: Since this integration offers a one-time import if you need to import more contacts at a later time, you will have to repeat the steps above. However, when you go to import again, you can choose the previous connection or create a new one.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our support team via Email, LiveChat or Phone.