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Can I stop or recall an email once it is in the “sending” or “sent” status?
Can I stop or recall an email once it is in the “sending” or “sent” status?
If you find an error within an email that is scheduled to be sent, you may be able to make necessary corrections before it is mailed out to your list(s). You can also change the time an email is scheduled to be sent.
The process will be different depending on which delivery method you select:
Stop an Email Scheduled to "Send Immediately"
When you click the Send Immediately command on the Delivery Schedule screen (Step 5 in the email editor) means that the email will be sent within five to 15 minutes. On busy days, or for large lists, this may take up to 60 minutes for your email to finish sending. If you do not change the message back to a DRAFT status in time, email will start shipping and will be too late to stop sending.
To set up an email that is set to "Send Immediately" back to the status of Draft mode:
- After logging into Benchmark Email, click on the Emails tab to locate your Scheduled Email.
- Click on the Email Name or Edit This Email
icon for the email you want to stop.
- On the Edit Email page, click the Send Status link.
- On the Schedule Delivery screen (Step 5), click on the SAVE AS DRAFT button to stop the Scheduled Email Campaign.
Note: You cannot stop or retrieve an email that is already being sent to your contacts. Emails are designed to be sent to several different email clients and ISPs. Because of this flexibility, Benchmark cannot retrieve messages once delivered.
Stop an Email in Schedule Delivery Mode
If your email is scheduled to send at a future time, all you will need to do is revert the email from "scheduled" to "draft" to prevent it from going out.
To return an email from "Schedule Delivery" mode back to the status of Draft mode:
- After logging in to Benchmark Email, click on the Emails tab to locate your Scheduled Email.
- Click on the Email Name or Edit This Email
icon for the email you want to stop.
- On the Edit Email page, click the Send Status link.
- On the Schedule Delivery screen, click SAVE AS DRAFT to stop the Scheduled Email Campaign.
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