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Knowledge Base Home aero-right Automations General Questions aero-right When I print my email, the background design and colors do not appear. How do I fix this?

When I print my email, the background design and colors do not appear. How do I fix this?

Automations General Questions Updated on September 9, 2019


You may need to enable the option to print the background images and colors if they are not automatically printing. Usually this option is turned off by default to conserve printer ink. Depending on the browser you are using, the fonts may appear differently when printed.

Follow the steps below that are specific to your web browser:

Internet Explorer 7
  1. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options and then click the Advanced tab.
  2. In the Settings box, under Printing, click to select the Print background colors and images check box, and then click OK.
Internet Explorer 8
  1. In Internet Explorer 8, click Page Setup on the File menu. If you do not see the File menu, press ALT.
  2. In the Page Setup dialog box, click to select the Print background Colors and Images check box.
  3. Click OK to close the Page Setup dialog box.
  4. Print the Web page again.
Internet Explorer 9
  1. In Internet Explorer 9, click Page Setup on the File menu. If you do not see the File menu, press ALT.
  2. In the Page Setup dialog box, click to select the Print background Colors and Images check box.
  3. Click OK to close the Page Setup dialog box.
  4. Print the Web page again.
Internet Explorer 10
  1. Open Internet Exploer 10
  2. Click File at the top
  3. Then click Page Setup
  4. Check the box for Background Colors and Images
Internet Explorer 11
  1. Open Internet Exploer 11
  2. Click on the gear at the top right
  3. Hover above Print
  4. Then click Page Setup
  5. Check the box for Background Colors and Images
Firefox 46.0
Enable background printing in Firefox for PC
  1. Click File > Page Setup.
  2. When the Page Setup multi-tabbed dialog box appears, click the Format & Options tab.
  3. Underneath Options, check Print Background (colors & images).
  4. Print the Web page again.
Enable background printing in Firefox for Mac
  1. With the page you want to print open, choose File > Print.
  2. Locate the printer name and click on the arrow for more printing options.
  3. Select the checkbox labeled Print Background Images and Print Background Images
  1. Open Safari and the page you want to print
  2. Click File at the top
  3. At the bottom, click on Show Details
  4. Check Background Images
  5. Then print
Google Chrome

Unfortunately, Google Chrome does not have the option to print background colors and images.