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Can I use Benchmark Email to build my contact list?
Can I use Benchmark Email to build my contact list?
There are a few things you can do to help build your contact list. Here are a couple of ways Benchmark Email can help:
- A signup form lets visitors to your website subscribe to your email newsletter. All the information submitted via the signup form is added to the associated contact list in your Benchmark Email account and maintained for your use.Just follow the step-by-step wizard for the signup form option available under the “Lists” menu. Add this signup form code to the HTML page on your website where you want to place the signup form and visitors can start subscribing to your newsletter.
- Add your signup link to your every day emails so that those you are in contact with on a day-to-day basis can elect to sign up for your newsletter.
- Be sure to utilize the personalization option when creating your signup form in Benchmark Email so that prospective subscribers begin to associate certain colors and designs with you and your business.
- Include areas in the signup form for subscribers to add personal information about themselves. This will help you to segment your contact lists based on subscriber needs and preferences.
- If you are new to email marketing, sign up for our “Free account” to help give you a boost in building your list. Without investing any money, you will have access to signup forms, which you can place on your website to begin collecting contacts today! These contacts will be stored in your account and available for use immediately.
- Use the forward-to-a-friend link in your campaigns. This will encourage existing subscribers to share with friends and family. Link back to your website so they can find your signup form and enter in their own info. Benchmark Email offers a forward-to-a-friend option in each email you send and even tracks who received those emails and whether they were opened. You may also add additional “forward to a friend” links throughout your campaign to ensure your subscriber sees this is an option.
Benchmark Email Community
- Add your email to the Benchmark Email Community. An email marketing community is a great place to showcase all your emails and build up your list. Put your emails online in the community and you’ll find a brand new audience for all your email communications.
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