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How Do I Integrate Benchmark With Zoho?
Due to Zoho’s recent API updates, our Zoho integration is currently unavailable. Instead, we recommend uploading your Zoho contacts through an .XLS, .XLSX, .CSV or .TXT file. For steps on how to upload contacts, click here.
Zoho is a software used to manage your customer’s data. Integrating allows you to import your Zoho contacts into your Benchmark account and optimize your email marketing connections. Contacts are sent to an email list of your choosing and can be set up quickly in your Benchmark account.
Follow the steps below to integrate Zoho with Benchmark account:
You can now view your contacts or import another list. Begin creating new experiences by engaging with your contacts on a more direct way.
The final number of imported contacts may be less than the projected number due to the filtering of certain emails. Benchmark Email removes role-based emails, duplicates, unsubscribes and blocked domains. Click Here to learn more.
Note: Since this integration offers a one-time import if you need to import more contacts at a later time, you will have to repeat the steps above. However, when you go to import again, you can choose the previous connection or create a new one.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact our support team via Email, LiveChat or Phone.