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How to Add Images

Image Gallery Updated on July 11, 2024

Before you can add images to your emails, you must first upload them to the Image Gallery. There are two ways to add images to your gallery, via the Image Gallery itself or by using one of the image blocks in the Drag and Drop editor.


By uploading an image to your account, you agree you have the right to use and reproduce the image and that it does not include prohibited content.


  • Do you need to edit your images? Click here to learn how.
  • To learn more about our supported image formats, please click here. Troubleshooting images in emails.
  • Benchmark provides up to 1GB of free image hosting for all free accounts. Paid accounts get unlimited image hosting at no additional cost.

Image Block

Adding an image via the Image block is probably the most convenient way to add an image to your email. While you are creating your email, you can drag and drop an image, you can upload an image or select from images already in your gallery. In the following steps, you’ll learn how to add an image using the Image blocks in the Drag and Drop editor.

  1. Click on the Image block and drag it into your email layout.
  2. Then drag and drop your image directly into the block or click on browse for a file, and select an image from your gallery.

If you’d like to upload an image from your computer click on the browse for a file option and in the Image Gallery select browse for files.

  1. Now, the Image Block options will appear on the left.
  2. You can set the horizontal and vertical padding by scrolling the green dot.
  1. Align your image using the alignment options. If your image is taking all the space, then you will not notice any changes to the alignment.
  1. Hit Save & Close when done.
What you can do with this block

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Image Group Block

By default, this block adds 2 image sections to your email layout. In this block you can:

  1. Click on the Image Groups block and drag it into your email layout.
  2. Then drag and drop each image directly into the block or click on browse for a file, and select images from your gallery.If you’d like to upload an image from your computer click on the browse for a file option and in the Image Gallery select browse for files.
  1. By default, this block adds two images sections to your email layout. In this block you can:
    1. Add more images to the group by clicking on the plus button.
    2. Also, you can change the layout by adding images in vertical or horizontal positions.
    3. Finally, change the gutter size between images.
  1. To set the alignment option, click on the image inside the block, you will see the alignment options. By clicking on the image you will find the Edit option, use this option to resize your image add text or a frame to your image.
  1. Click Save & Close.
What you can do with this block

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Image Card Block

This block allows you to add an image and text to the same frame.

To add an image card block:

  1. Click on the Image Card block and drag it into your email layout.
  2. Then to add the image, you can drag and drop it directly into the block or click on browse for a file, and select an image from your gallery.If you’d like to upload an image from your computer click on the browse for a file option and in the Image Gallery select browse for files.
  1. By default this block adds two sections into your email layout, where you can:
    • Add text and choose the text position. For better display keep your text short or according to your image size.
    • Change the background and border color.
    • Set the horizontal and vertical padding of the entire Image Card Block.
  • Set text position
  • Depending on the text position you will set the image alignment and image area.
  • Align your image to the edge by clicking the check.
  • And adjust the line height for the text.
What you can do with this block

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Image Caption Block

To add an image caption block:

  1. Click on the Image Caption block you need, it can be Right Text, Left Text, or Bottom Text,  and drag it into your email layout.
  2. Then to add the image, you can drag and drop it directly into the block or click on browse for a file, and select an image from your gallery.If you’d like to upload an image from your computer click on the browse for a file option and in the Image Gallery select browse for files.
  3. By default this block adds two sections to your email layout, where you can:
    • In the Content tag:
      • Add text and choose the text position. For better display keep your text short or according to your image size.
      • Select up to 3 images to add to the block.
      • Depending on the text position you will set the Image alignment and image area.
      • Set the line-height of the text.
    • In the Container section: set the padding and add a background color.
  4. Click Save & Close.
What you can do with this block

You can replace, edit, or add a link to an image, just click on the image and the editing block will appear on the left. You will see other options like image alignment, adding a background color, borders, or padding.

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How to get an image URL

For Firefox
For Internet Explorer & Microsoft Edge
For Safari
For Chrome

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Where to add the image URL

  1. Drag the image block to your email.
  2. Click on browse for files or Drag your image directly to the block.
  3. In the Insert Image pop-up, paste the recently copied image URL and click Insert.

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Deleting Images

From the Image Gallery
  1. Log into your Benchmark account.
  2. Click on your account name.
  3. Then, select the Image Gallery.

Now, you can either select one image at a time or multiple.

One at a time click on the more options menu (3 dots) located to the bottom right corner of each image, and select Delete.

To delete multiple images. Select as many images as you need to delete and then click on the Delete option.

Deleting Images from Drag & Drop Editor
  1. Create an email or go to an already existing email.
  2. In the Editor step drag an image block to your email and click on Browse for a file or click on any image then click on the Replace option.
  3. >Locate the image you want to delete
  4. Then, click on the More options icon and select Delete.

If you only need to delete or remove an image from your email layout, simply click on the Trash icon.

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Alt Text

We suggest adding Alt Text, which is a short description of what your image is, for those recipients who have images blocked or turned off in their inbox.

We suggest adding Alternative Text to all your images. Alt text can be helpful to those contacts who are visually impaired and are using screen readers.

You can easily add Alt Text to any image block within your design. We recommend adding your Alt Text when adding your images, or you can add it later.

To add Alt Text, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the block, and then on the image, you want to add the Alt Text.
  2. Then, in the Alt text area, add the image description.


  • By using Alt Text, Google will understand your images, which means better rankings.
  • A good Alt Text is a sentence explaining what is happening in the image.
  • Use specific keywords in your Alt Text. Think about what the users will type to locate your images.
  • Don’t use more than 125 characters, including spaces, and don’t include special characters.

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Royalty Free Stock Photos

Need images for your emails or landing pages? Our royalty-free stock photo and GIF integrations have you covered! You can search millions of free images from Pexels and GIFs from GIPHY without needing accounts. Whether you’re searching for something specific or just want to explore, our stock photo and GIF integrations has something for everyone.


  • Images and GIFs downloaded from our Royalty-free Stock integrations will automatically be stored in your Image Gallery.
  • The Stock photo and GIF integrations are currently only available within the email editor.
  • The Pexels and GIPHY integration is available for all users, and you do not need to create a Pexels or GIPHY account.

To use our royalty-free stock photos, see the instructions below:

  1. Log in to your Benchmark Email account and open an email to edit.
  2. From the email editor, open an image block and click Browse for a file.
  3. From the left menu, select one of the Stock options.
  1. Using the search bar, add a few keywords that best describe the type of image you need. Your search can be as detailed or broad as you prefer.
  1. To use an image, click insert on the image.

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If you have any questions, please contact our support team.