HTML Display Errors in Different Email Clients
Benchmark is determined to help our clients have the best looking emails. By using our Drag n Drop editor you can ensure your emails will be mobile friendly.
Delivery May 21, 2021
Compare Email Reports
Benchmark provides a detailed reporting system to better monitor the engagement trends on your campaigns. Discover how to compare email reports.
Reports June 29, 2022
How to Avoid the Top Twenty Spam Words
There are twenty words or phrases that most email marketers wouldn’t ordinarily consider as dangerous, but using them can demolish your reputation.
Delivery November 5, 2020
The 100 Worst Spam Words and Phrases to Avoid in Your Subject Line
Discover here the 100 worst Spam Words and phrases to avoid in the most important elements of any email: the "From" and the "subject line".
Delivery August 5, 2022