Brand Kit
Benchmark Brand Kit keeps all your brand assets in one convenient place, making it easy to access them when designing emails or landing pages.
Create Getting Started February 10, 2025
Benchmark Email 2-Step Verification by Email
Enhance the security of your account by enabling 2-Step Verification. When new devices attempt to log in, we'll send you a verification code.
Account Settings November 17, 2023
Features Impacted by Downgrading
Benchmark features are impacted by downgrading. This article will outline which features are affected when you downgrade.
Billing May 17, 2023
Free Starter Plan
Benchmark’s Free Starter Plan allows you to upload up to 500 contacts and lets you send up to 3,500 emails per month (7x the list size).
Billing November 29, 2022
Benchmark Send Base Plans
With Send base plans, you pay for a specific volume of email sends each month. Additionally, there is no contact limit restriction.
Billing March 24, 2023
How To Change Your Account’s Email Address or Login
If you need to change your login information, you may do so by accessing your account settings and then your profile page.
Account Settings June 3, 2022
Getting Started with Benchmark Email
We know you are eager to send your first email, but you should set up your account correctly to achieve optimal delivery results before emailing your contact list.
Getting Started January 16, 2023
Account Expired
During the expired state, your email campaigns will not send, signup forms will stop collecting subscribers, and your automations will stop.
Billing September 12, 2023
Benchmark Account Statuses
Benchmark accounts can have different statuses and it is mostly based on your account payment, if no payment is made then expect an expired status.
Billing August 10, 2022
Dedicated IP for Unlimited Sending Users
When you sign up for one of our Unlimited Sending plans, you assume responsibility to use good sending practices. Not using good sending practices affects both you and us the main sender. If your sending starts damaging our sending reputation our Deliverability team will contact you via email or by phone.
Billing May 11, 2021